The New Forest CofE Primary School & Nursery

Nursery Admissions, Terms and Conditions

Nursery admissions and places

The numbers and ages of children admitted to the nursery comply with the legal space and staffing requirements set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

We can currently accommodate a maximum of 8 2-year olds per session, with a maximum session capacity of 24 children on Monday & Tuesday.  On Wednesday, Thursday & Friday we can accommodate 12 2-year olds per session with a maximum session capacity of 28 aged 2-4 years.

Please completed application form to reserve a place at our nursery.  Children can attend from the age of 2 years.  Applications are considered three times per year at the following intervals;


Proposed Start Date

Application deadline

September (1/9/24)

May half-term (24/5/24)

January (1/1/25)

October half-term (23/10/24)

April (1/4/25)

February half-term (14/2/25)


Priority is given to children who already attend our nursery and wish to increase their hours.  Parents/Carers of existing children will be contacted before the above application deadlines, to ask if any increase of hours is required.  Unfortunately, we are unable to reserve spaces for later in the year if we have applications waiting.

Waiting List

If there are not enough places available for all applicants, we will allocate places in the following priority order;

Disadvantaged children

  • Children who will start school this academic year
  • Children who have a sibling at the setting
  • Birth Date Order
  • Availability of hours requested

Application Process

Parents requiring a place for their child should complete an application form.

  • Parents will be informed of the success of the application, after the application deadline.
  • Parents will be expected to confirm their acceptance of their child’s place, within two weeks of the offer of a place. If we do not receive confirmation by this time their place will be offered to the next child on the waiting list.
  • Parents will be offered alternative sessions if possible.

Nursery Application Form click here

For full Terms and Conditions click here