Our Admissions Arrangements contain full details of our admissions criteria. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries over the admissions process.
Our Published Admissions Number is 30. This means that we can admit up to 30 children into our Reception class each September.
Our non-statutory admission limit for all other years is also currently 30.
New Forest Church of England Primary School Catchment Map
The catchment area comprises the civil parishes of Landford, Nomansland and Hamptworth, in line with the schools' original founding Trust Deeds.
2024-25 Admissions Arrangements
2024-25 Supplementary Information Form2025-26 Admissions Arrangements
2025-26 Supplementary Information Form2026-27 Admissions Arrangements
2026-27 Supplementary Information Form
Reception Year Delayed Entry Guidance
Vulnerable Child and Faith applications
If you wish your application for a school place to be considered against the 'Vulnerable Child' or 'Faith' criteria please ensure you submit all related evidence by the application deadline (15th January). Any evidence received after this date will not be considered. Further information can be found in the relevant year's Admission Arrangements.
In Year Admissions
If you are considering an in year admission please contact Mrs Sue-Wheeler-Osman at KS1 Reception in the first instance, who will be able to guide you through the admissions process. Applicants will be considered in line with the determined Admission Policy. Where the school has no spaces available, because the admission of another child would prejudice the efficient education of others at the school or would prejudice the efficient use of resources, the application will be refused and a right of appeal, as set out below will arise.
To apply for an In Year place please complete the In Year Admissions Form (and Supplementary Information Form if applicable) and return to Mrs Wheeler-Osman (hard copies are available on request).
The Trust aims to respond to in year admission requests within 10 school days (maximum time to respond is 15 school days).
Admissions Appeals and Timetable
Applicants who are refused a place at The New Forest Church of England Primary School have the right to submit an appeal to an independent Admission Appeal panel.
MLP Admission Appeals Guidance for Parents
MLP Primary Admission Appeal Form
MLP Primary Appeals Timetable 2025
Securing a place for your child at our school
We would always advise and welcome you to contact the school directly in the first instance. We welcome the opportunity to show people around our school and can happily discuss your child’s needs. We are also able to advise you of the availability of places but cannot guarantee them. All admission applications should, however, be made through the applicant's home local authority.
Parents of children living in Wiltshire who wish to apply for a Reception place at The New Forest Church of England Primary School are encouraged to apply online at:, a paper copy of the Primary Common Application Form is available on request from the applicant's home local authority or from the school offices. Completed forms from applicants living in Wiltshire should be sent to:
Wiltshire Council
BA14 8JB
We will be pleased to help with any aspect of your application.
There are deadline dates and it is important that applications are made by the right time.
All applications are dealt with by Wiltshire Council. Their website gives details of the deadline dates and general information.
Non-Wiltshire residents
Our school is situated on the Wiltshire/Hampshire border and as such means that we may well be the preferred choice for families living in Hampshire. We welcome applications from both counties although the process is slightly different for those living in Hampshire.
If you do not live in Wiltshire you may still express a preference for a school within the county. However your application should be made on the form produced by your local authority, which can be obtained from the education offices of the county in which you live. When you have returned your form to your local authority, details of your preference will be forwarded to Wiltshire Council.
Completed forms from applicants living in Hampshire should be sent to:
Hampshire County Council
County Admissions Team,
Children’s Services Department,
The Castle,
SO23 8UG
Telephone: 0845 603 5623
Informing the school
It is very useful for us to have your details if you wish to apply for a place at our school. With this information we can keep you up to date with any events or news that you may find of interest – it also greatly helps us with the school's forward planning. Providing this information to the school in no way guarantees a place as we are unable to operate a waiting list.
Visiting the school
If you would like to visit the school, please make an appointment with our Admin Officers. The Head Teacher or one of our Admin Officers will be pleased to show you around the school and answer any questions you may have.
Foundation Stage Induction
At The New Forest Church of England Primary School children start school in the September after their 4th birthday. Once allocated a place your child or children will be invited to come into school for some introductory sessions during June and July. We also offer home visits where our staff can meet children on their own territory whilst providing an opportunity for parents to share important information with the school. We often have children join us in school years other than Reception. The same admission criteria apply and we will always aim to take children if we have space. Children spend their first year at The New Forest Primary School in Woodside Class following the Early Years Foundation Stage within their Reception year. They will start to follow the National Curriculum when they move into Year One. Further details may be found in our Early Years Foundation Stage Policy (available from the school offices).
Our induction program is designed to ensure that the move from pre-school and home is as smooth as possible. Home visits for our Reception children happen during the last week of July. This is an opportunity for the EYFS staff to meet the children and parents in a relaxed setting so that they can get to know their interests.
The children then join us full time in September.